Nonprofit independent #FactsFirst reporting and analysis of local issues
HoCoMoJo is Howard County’s digital-first, independent, nonprofit news organization. Our mission is to produce rigorous nonpartisan journalism and narrative storytelling that explains complex issues, holds government accountable to the public, and engages HoCophiles in the democratic process.
We believe journalism is a public service that is the bedrock of a thriving democratic society. Journalists and the news organizations they work for are the eyes and ears of the community. We do not have a paywall, and our content is available at no cost to everyone in the community and beyond. We publish without fear or favor, or any obligation to outside owners or interests, and are committed to delivering the original, local, issue-oriented news and information our community needs to make informed decisions about their lives, their communities, their schools, and their government. We aim to increase civic and community engagement through well-researched, informed and educational news reports, analysis, and opinion.
We feature the work of a team of curious, energetic, earnest journalists. Our collaborative newsroom pursues in-depth stories on under-covered topics, and states facts as fact, calls opinions opinions, and lets our audience be the judge of them. While striving to be accessible to everyone, and acknowledge that every community has many different truths, we encourage lively, respectful debate facilitating civic engagement and community action. We aim to be a fair and trusted source of information for our communities, and in all our endeavors we show respect for and civility to others, regardless of their roles or viewpoints. We strive to live these values every day and in every interaction.
We also have a sense of humor, taking our work seriously, but not ourselves.
We beleive that one of the most troubling challenges facing journalism today is the conflation of facts with opinion. So, on our site, fact-based articles, videos, and other media will be orange.
Professional analysis will be green.
Opinion will be yellow.
Lots of other exciting innovations to come as we relaunch in the coming months!